Not netbooks exactly, but the term we use to call them. Psion, a company that put out a device back in the early part of the millenium bearing that name, has registered the trademark on that name a few years ago. Now they’ve started making moves to protect its trademark a few months ago. In fact, this month Google agreed that Psion has a valid claim to the trademark and started banning advertisers from using the term.
Now there’s a campaign to protect the name “netbook” from oblivion. Save the Netbooks features a countown (to doom?) till the deadline Psion has set when companies, bloggers, and journalists profiting off of the netbook name to start using a different term. This will be until the end of March.
What do you think? I like the term netbooks, but it sort of limits what netbooks can do; but there isn’t really a term that has the same ring as “netbooks.”